The Lowriting Book / Event Review by Sal Rojas

Photographer Art Meza and Actor Danny de la Paz

Lowriting: Shots, Rides & Stories from the Chicano Soul

If you visit the Mexican-American section at Barnes and Noble or any local bookstore, you might find a handful of books. You’ll find classic books from authors like Luis J. Rodriguez, Sandra Cisneros, and Victor E. Villaseñor.

If you're like me and collect Latino-based books that reflect our Chicano art and culture then "Lowriting: Shots, Rides, & Stories" belongs in your home library too.

The book was published by independently owned Broken Sword Publications and edited by author and publisher Santino J. Rivera. The book features original lowrider photos by Los Angeles-based photographer Art Meza and a collection of stories, poetry, prose and interviews from various contributing writers. Throughout the book, some of the pages are blessed with original lowrider art from well respected barrio artists such as Angel Diaz and Lalo Alcaraz.

This 294 page book is an authentic collection of pictures, graphic art, and words that reflect our Chicano Soul via our lowrider experience.

Lowriting: Shots, Rides, & Stories book belongs in everyone's bookcase, or better yet, on top of your coffee table for everyone to see, read, and to appreciate the beauty of our lowrider culture.

Praise the lowered!
Salvador Rojas

Jim Marquez reading from Lowriting

Ricky Luv reading from Lowriting

Photography by Sal Rojas @ Mi Vida in Highland Park, CA (2.22.2014)

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