Look! She has fallen!

Look! The United Nations has fallen! She is rendered powerless against the whims of the emperor and has been exposed as his dirty whore. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The self-proclaimed assembly of rulers is now even the mockery of the ghettos. The same one's you offered a false sense of hope to. The same one's you promised Peace.

Didn't you see it coming, when he insulted you in Kyoto? The people of Nipon felt it was very necessary to work together on preserving our planet, and he wouldn't even grace you with his presence. Of course Not. It coincided with his business agenda.

You filthy slut! When you set up the World Court (and swore to bring us justice), you granted immunity to the main culprit. A get-out-of-jail-free card renewable next year. All he had to do was say he was pulling his troops out and threaten your Security. You prostituted your position for years; but, now you lay in your own shame.

I saw you walk with your heads down (and your tail between your legs), when he told you to get your ass out of Irak. He was coming in regardless of what you were talking about. The nature of the beast is destructive- and his greed is insatiable. May the blood of the innocent people be on your hands and the blood-guilt return to your heads. Because deep down inside, you know the Truth: Today it's Iraq, The Phillipines, and Afganistan; Tomorrow... it's your lands!

God's Watching Us,
El ESkribe/2003

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