Only 3 fasters remain on 20th Day but they are strong

Sacramento, California- Saturday-Monday May 29-31st, 2004 Only 3 fasters remain but they are strong, met w/ Lt. Governor

Fasters reach 20th-22nd Days during weekend will campout at Capitol,

Fasters met with Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante and he has pledged his support

On Friday at 5:00p.m. Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamante met with the fasters and has pledged his support in making sure that their demands are met. He joins a growing list of state officials that have pledged their support.

Speaker of the Assembly Fabian Nuñez and Finance Committee Chair Assemblymember Steinberg met with fasters on Thursday after they were introduced to the entire Assembly by Education Chair Jackie Goldberg.

The list of powerhouse supporters has grown and now the fasters are in negotiations with the state.

Partial List of Supporters

State Superintendent of Public Education - Jack O’ Connell

Chair, Education Sub-Committee - Jackie Goldberg

Latino Caucus Chair - Marco Antonio Firebaugh

Magistrate, US Supreme Court - Cruz Reynoso

San Francisco Assemblymember - Mark Leno

United Farm Workers Co-Founder - Dolores Huerta

United Farm Workers President - Arturo Rodriguez

State Senator - Jackie Speier

Who? 3 Fasters Remain out of 9, on a Fast 4 Education

Jessica Vasquez- Central Valley 4th year student, UC Berkeley

Israel Haros-youth mentor, Oakland Unified School District

César A. Cruz-community organizer, Southern California

Location: State Capitol, South Steps (12th and L St.)

Time: 12-2p.m.


9:00a.m. Fasters arrive at South Steps at Camp Site

12-2p.m. Statewide Rally/Speak Out on South Steps

2-6p.m. Fasters return to South Steps

6:30p.m. Evening Gathering/Vigil with community

To interview the fasters please contact Jazmín Preciado at 510-388-3587.

For the list of demands and media press kit please log on to:

the END-Dependence collective
-including members of Epi-Centro Poets, Non-Prophet Poets, Ill-Literacy, Civil Writes Project, and many other sisters and brothers.
contact person: cesar a. cruz- (teolol)
address: 2425 b channing way suite 311, berkeley, ca. 94704
website: END-Dependence
contact info:, 510-388-3587, 510-883-9873
ENDdependence store at:

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