End of the Spear in theaters on Jan. 20, 2006

The Waodani Tribe from Ecuador, once the most violent tribe in the world, is sending a message to the "northern tribes" about the power of forgiveness and reconciliation through the film, "The End of the Spear" which will be released in theaters nationwide on Jan. 20, 2006. About 80% of the cast is either indigenous or Latino.

To view the trailer and check local theater listings, visit endofthespear.com.

Based on a true story that happened 50 years ago this month, this film is about the transformation of a people who had a homicide rate of 60%. They killed 5 missionaries and now the tribe who killed them and the children of those speared call each other family.

Movie critic Michael Medved said he enjoyed the film even more the second time. "It is the sign of a remarkable film," he said. He's now planning on dedicating one hour of his show to it.

I'd like to encourage you to share this opportunity with your network, students, former and current gang members to promote the message of reconciliation through film. For opening weekend, consider taking your group leaders, youth groups, members and family and later discuss the message of reconciliation and how it can apply to our communities.

Here are some ideas to start.......
1. Make a point to see the movie with your friends on opening weekend. The Hollywood industry will be looking at ticket sales results to determine if movies like these are worth making. Get a group: your family and friends, students, organizations, etc. together.

2. For those of you interested in buying out showtimes or buying group tickets for opening weekend, a great way to start is to go to www.endofthespear.com and click on "Group Sales". You can also call 1-866-SPEARS-1 or e-mail groupsales@everytribe.com.

We hope you and your tribe enjoy the film and that it touches the hearts of the youth.

See you at the movies!

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