New Digital Radio | Musica Y Revolucion

Welcome to new Digital Radio Website. This site gives you the Latin Hip-Hop fans the power to control what songs get played on our live streaming radio station. This radio station was created as a way to give you, the visitor, a way to listen to Latin Hip-Hop, Chicano Rap, and Rap en Espanol LIVE. Many of you live in areas where no or very little Latino Hip-Hop gets played on traditional radio stations. The refusal by mainstream media to play our music is one of the reasons we have created this radio station/website for you. But, our goals don’t stop there. We want to expose our music to people that have never listen to our music. There is a lot of good Latino hip-hop out there and with your help, we can help expand the market world-wide, to the point that we can no longer be ignored by the mainstream media.

How do you control what gets played? All our songs on our BP playlist are given a numerical score, depending on this score; the more frequently a song gets played. Each time you "Request" a song, this score goes up by 10 points, each time a song is played the score goes down by half a point. So if a song never gets requested, this song will eventually have such a low score that the song rarely get played anymore. There is also a dedication feature that you can use to dedicate your requests to someone else, and everyone connected will be able to see your dedication on the main page of the BP Digital Radio website |

How can we help? Well very easy, if you are an artist, or work at record label, get the artist to submit their music for inclusion to our playlist. We want to have as much variety as possible and currently our playlist has over 3,000 songs.

If you are not an artist, your role in this is much more important. Support authentic Chicano/Latino websites like, support radio stations that do play Latino hip-hop (online or traditional radio), and even more important, SUPPORT THE ARTIST! DO NOT PIRATE CHICANO RAP!! A few sells is the difference between a record company releasing another record or dropping an artist. If you like a song, BUY THE ALBUM. You can support our site, by using the "Buy Now" button that connects you to Also, be proactive, let al your friends know about Latin Hip-Hop music. Try and expose as many people as you can to it. It’s as simple as adding a link to your myspace page to an artist webpage or to Latino Hip-Hop sites like However you do it, our goal should be to make our Latino Hip-Hop culture grow into a true International phenomenon.

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Submit Your Music to BP Radio!

If you are an artist or a record label and would like to submit your music to be added to our BP playlist, please send any material to the address below for consideration...

Digital Aztlan
attn:BP Digital Radio
PO Box 3852
Fullerton, CA 92834

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