The 23rd Annual Chicago Film Festival | April 13-25, 2007

The filmmakers for "Get Pony Boy" are pleased to announce that the Chicago Premiere for Pony Boy will be Saturday April 14th as part of the 23rd Annual Chicago Film Festival.

For information regarding the screenings, purchasing tickets, and the festival in general please check out the festivals website at :

The 23rd Chicago Latino Film Festival Website - April 13-25, 2007

Showtimes are as follows:

Saturday April 14 3:30 PM @ Facets Cinematheque
Saturday April 21 4:00 PM @ Facets Cinematheque
Thursday April 26 TBA @ Landmark Theater

Facets Cinematheque
1517 West Fullerton Ave

General Admission - $10.00
Students, Seniors & Disabled - $8.00

Director: Juan Frausto

Production / Producción
Orta-Mex Films, Voilá Productions Inc. Vendetta Pictures

Screenplay / Guión
Juan Frausto

Cinematography / Cinematografía
Kevin Pittman

Cast / Elenco
Rafael Ochoa, Siboney Lo, Manuel Garcia, Zanora Rivera

After spending years in prison, Pony Boy is finally returning to the world he has missed so much, his old neighborhood. A former gang member, Pony Boy is now a changed man and vows never to go back to a life of crime. But things are different in the ”hood.” All of his boys from the old gang have mysteriously disappeared. He now feels out of place in his old surroundings.

ras años pasados en la cárcel, Pony Boy finalmente vuelve al mundo que tanto ha echado de menos, su viejo barrio. Ahora el ex pandillero es un hombre cambiado y jura que nunca volverá a delinquir. Pero las cosas en el barrio no son como antes. Todos los amigazos de la pandilla han desaparecido de forma misteriosa. Ahora, en medio de los escenarios de siempre, se siente fuera de lugar.

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