Smoking Mirrors Presents - Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe Gallery

Smoking Mirrors Gallery
565 W. Second Street Unit 5
Pomona, California 91766

La Virgen De Guadalupe | Coatlaxopeh Ilhuitl

Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe
On December 12th of each year, tens of thousands of pilgrims flock to the Basilica de Guadalupe in Mexico City to commemorate the apparition of Mexico's patron saint on the Cerro Del Tepeyac. According to legend it was here in 1531 that a brown-skinned Virgin Mary appeared to an indigenous boy named Juan Diego. She is named after the Virgin of Guadalupe in Extremadura, Spain.

Often in Mexico, Catholic traditions are merged with Indigenous influences such as that of Mexica Coatlaxopeh Ilhuitl, a Mesoamerican Mother-Goddess.

To inquire about purchasing any of the artwork / or my photographs (Salvador Rojas) contact Smoking Mirrors curator Edgar Hoill at (832)567-3673 to schedule an appointment.

Some of the artwork presented at Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe Group Show. Photographs by Salvador Rojas

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